The "Waiting" Game of Thrones

Waiting is boring..whoever said this fooled you. You are missing out on the hidden moments. You can claim it EVERY.SINGLE.DAY and I'll tell you how!

Hey there visionaries,

We all have those moments throughout the day: 

Waiting for a meeting to start, sitting in traffic, or standing in line at a coffee shop. 

It’s easy to view these moments as unproductive gaps, where time simply slips away. 

But what if instead of seeing waiting as wasted, you could use it to unlock some of your most creative ideas? 

Stuck in a meeting or waiting for a call? 

This is the perfect time to tap into your most creative ideas.

We often think of waiting as wasted time—whether it’s sitting in traffic, waiting for a meeting to start, or being stuck in an endless queue. 

But what if we flipped the script? What if those moments could be your secret weapon for creative problem-solving?

Nearly 61% of employees feel overwhelmed by daily tasks, making it crucial to carve out time for mental clarity and creativity.

Studies show that our brains make deeper, more creative connections during what’s called "diffuse thinking."

One of the most famous cases of using downtime for creative thinking comes from Steve Jobs. 

Jobs often said that his daily walks were where he came up with some of his best ideas. 

He used those moments away from screens and meetings to let his mind expand beyond immediate tasks.

When you’re not actively focused on solving a problem, your brain works in surprising ways. 

The pressure to think is gone, opening up a mental space for ideas to flow freely. 

This space allows your thoughts to wander and make connections that might not emerge in a high-pressure environment. 

For eg, 

Scrolling through your phone?

Keep a simple notes app or a pocket-sized notebook handy. When commuting or in a waiting room, let your thoughts flow. Even random ideas can lead to bigger solutions later.

Downtime—like waiting—creates these breaks naturally, opening the door to more strategic thinking.

Bill Gates famously said his best thinking happens on "think weeks" away from daily pressures. 

You don’t need a week—you can adopt this principle in your micro-downtime. 

Even five minutes of quiet can lead to a fresh perspective.

When there’s nothing pressing to do, your mind begins connecting the dots on its own, often giving you insights that you couldn’t force if you tried.

Think of waiting time as a mental sandbox—a place where you can explore ideas without pressure or expectation. 

Whenever I have those small moments of downtime, I use them to revisit a challenge I’ve been working on. 

Instead of seeing it as a delay, I lean into it as a chance to think differently. There’s something liberating about letting your thoughts meander during these quiet pockets of time. 

You’re free to approach problems with a fresh mindset, and often, the solution is something you wouldn’t have found during a typical brainstorming session. 

It’s like giving your brain a breather, which often leads to breakthroughs.

Waiting time, no matter how insignificant it seems, can be one of the most powerful resources we have. 

It’s not about packing every second with productivity but rather using those moments for creative exploration. 

I've found some of my best ideas come to me not when I’m sitting at my desk but when I’m letting my mind wander in between tasks. 

Whether it’s during a long commute or in the few minutes before a meeting starts, downtime offers an unexpected opportunity for problem-solving. 

Instead of zoning out or checking your phone, embrace the chance to think strategically and see where your mind takes you.

Next time you find yourself in one of those moments, let your mind roam free—you might be surprised at the creative insights that emerge. 

How do you use your downtime? I'd love to hear how you turn waiting moments into creative surges!

Catch you in the next one…

Hoyin Cheung,

P.S. If you found these tips helpful, share them with friends who might need a productivity boost. It’s a small action that can make a big difference! 😉

P.P.S. I’d love to hear your thoughts or any strategies you use to have 100% attention while working. Feel free to reply or connect with me on LinkedIn or X. Let’s continue the conversation and boost our productivity together!